
About "Critical Kate" Willaert

Born on the same day as the Famicom, "Critical Kate" has been playing videogames since the NES days. She enjoys a good story, prefers arcade-style to simulators, and doesn't understand the appeal of recreational frustration. You don't want to run into her in the Facility with Remote Mines.
Latest Posts | By "Critical Kate" Willaert
Infographic: Wii U Has More Metroid Games Than Any Other Console
3 years ago

Infographic: Wii U Has More Metroid Games Than Any Other Console

To mark my Patreon reaching its first 50 patrons, I decided to create another infographic! This time the subject is “Which Platform Has The Most Metroid?,” a backwards compatibility comparison. …
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NaNoWriMo: How To Make The “Comic Sans Trick” Work With Any Font
3 years ago

NaNoWriMo: How To Make The “Comic Sans Trick” Work With Any Font

It’s National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) again, and everyone is looking for ideas to increase their writing speed. One trick that’s recently become popular is to write your first draft …
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Why The First Playable Women Of The ’80s Were Naked (Video Dames #0)
3 years ago

Why The First Playable Women Of The ’80s Were Naked (Video Dames #0)

What was the streaking fad of the ’70s? What was the first ’80 arcade game to feature a playable female character? What was Mystique Presents Swedish Erotica?
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Metroid’s Justin Bailey Is A Real Person;  Here’s Why He Hasn’t Spoken Up
3 years ago

Metroid’s Justin Bailey Is A Real Person; Here’s Why He Hasn’t Spoken Up

“Justin Bailey” is one of the most famous secret codes in the history of gaming.

Sure, it’s not as well-known as the Konami Code, but for anyone who becomes interested …
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Make Love Not War: Talking With The Creator Of The First Software Easter Egg
3 years ago

Make Love Not War: Talking With The Creator Of The First Software Easter Egg

William Weiher created the first software Easter Egg circa 1968, but didn’t realize it until I told him.

Last month, I revealed the previously forgotten oldest Easter Egg in a …
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Part Two: The Riddler Is Batman’s Greatest Revival
4 years ago

Part Two: The Riddler Is Batman’s Greatest Revival

In Part One I made the case that Frank Gorshin’s Riddler was the best Joker. But was he the best Riddler? In my opinion, the best Riddler is the version …
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Part One: The Riddler Is Batman’s Greatest Rival
4 years ago

Part One: The Riddler Is Batman’s Greatest Rival

Riddle me this, Batman: What’s the opposite of a sleuth? 

The opposite of a bat isn’t a cat, though at least it’s thematic. But why a detective’s opposite number be …
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Moonlander: One Giant Leap For Game Design
4 years ago

Moonlander: One Giant Leap For Game Design

Everyone knows Neil Armstrong was the first man on the Moon, but who was the first man in a video game?

Early video game history is littered with “firsts” — …
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The True First Easter Egg: Ready Player One Was Wrong
4 years ago

The True First Easter Egg: Ready Player One Was Wrong

What was the first Easter Egg in an arcade game? What was the first Easter Egg in a cartridge game? What was the first Easter Egg in a computer game?
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Video Dames: The History Of Playable Female Protagonists
4 years ago

Video Dames: The History Of Playable Female Protagonists

What is Video Dames? What video games were the first to feature playable human sprites? What video games were the first to feature playable female characters?
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